

Got the idea? Got the name? Need a logo created? We love designing logos and helping you come up with something different from everyone else. Wether you know what you want or have absolutely no clue - we got you.

Brand Packages

Need help with it all? The logo? Picking colours? Fonts? Allow us to help you with the whole thing. We will design you a logo and put together a brand guideline doc with your own fonts and colours so that you can stay consistent accross all design and marketing material moving forward in your business.


Got the logo and business set up but need to get online? It can cost selling a body part using an agency to build a custom website. Here we utilise the tools of AI and Squarespace, WIX and Shopify to create a simple and easy to use website. Were here to get you online effortlessly whilst supporting you also with content and SEO tips.

Social Media Designs

Got your branding and website but no social media presence? Too many clients are waiting in this big arena to find out about you and your offerings. The big wide world of social media can be intimidating when starting out. We’re here to help it feel effortless and easy setting up templates and content for you to use across Instagram & Facebook.

Business Set Up Mentorship

Fear is the number one killer of an amazing business idea. So much talent goes unseen due to not knowing where to start. We can help you with that process. You come up with the epic offering and we will help you with a step by step plan to get you from the intial idea stage to the set up and feeling ready stage.

Creative Group Workshops

If you would rather learn how to build your own website and set up your business in a group setting we offer regular fun group workshops. Check out the workshops page to see what is coming up.